Saturday, May 26, 2012

Early to the Market ~ let the good-times roll!

Boulder celebrates Memorial weekend in a big way with the Boulder Creek Festival and the Bolder Boulder 10K race. We decided to kick off our weekend with an early morning trip to the farmer's market before all of the crowds descended on the downtown area for the festivities.
Greeted with massive amounts of peonies of varying shades of pink, saturated magenta and the purest of whites, I was instantly charmed by this lively market.
Just picked this morning by Munson Farms, I snatched up an overflowing bag of salad greens with a bit of dill mixed in.
Gorgeous radishes of many varieties were tempting...
but first, feed Ric. For starters, Peruvian pupusas straight off the grill and topped off with a fried egg, a side of coleslaw and a scoop of guacamole...
and then a blackberry cream tart...or two...
and freshly baked breads from Udi's to take home with us.
We could have hung with these guys all day...
and eaten one or two of everything!
Ran into Mr. Laudisio who makes one heck of an Italian feast.
These beauties have me thinking strawberry shortcakes with whipped cream for our barbeque on Monday would make a delicious dessert choice.
Back to the flower stand to pick up an arm-load of peonies before we head home to begin preparing treats for our Sunday hike and romantic picnic for two.

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